How to choose the perfect packaging component for your product?

Each element of the product should be chosen with the highest possible valuation, such as: the quality of the label printing, the rigidity of the container, the type and color of the cap (also known as a packaging component), packaging, to name a few.

Let's focus on the packaging component. There are many models, sizes, colors and other characteristics that with the ideal choice, you will make your product physically stand out from the competition.

Selecting the packaging component meticulously for your products works because:

1) It ensures that the product reaches the final consumer in the right conditions, without spillage.

 2) It is the component that can help sell the product, making a good impression on the end customer so that they want to buy it instead of the competition.

3) The good selection of a suitable cover for the product becomes the element that allows establishing a differential advantage with respect to competing products.

4) Diversifying in the presentations of the same product will require appropriate caps to the size of the container, giving the consumer a range of options.

5) What you least want is that at some point of use, the lid breaks. 

6) If it is a children's product, you must select the appropriate model so that the girl or boy can open it without difficulty.

How and where to choose the best packaging component?

Product innovation is a priority to stand out in the market. In Villarreal Buenfil y Cía. we are the perfect plastic caps factory to dose your different products. 

Come to our advisors so that together they find the ideal option to complement your packaging and thus achieve the functionality you are looking for.

Visit our product catalog here, con mucho gusto podremos ofrecerte una cotización y así lograr que el producto tenga una funcionalidad perfecta. Follow us on Facebook and Twitter


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